Personal Tax Returns
Tax season is already here, are you ready to file your taxes? What can you claim in your taxes? Are you looking for tax advice? Do you have any other tax questions?
We offer personal tax return preparations and income tax filling. We offer personal tax solutions to people in all sorts of situations. If you are ready to file your taxes, give us a call and we will get the highest tax refund possible for you, and file them electronically (Efile) to get your refunds as quick as possible.
We take care of multiple tax situations from everything to no income to all kinds of income We ensure to claim your IRA credits, home buyer’s amounts, adoption expenses, disability amounts, disability amounts for your dependents, interest paid on student loans, tuition, education andtext book amounts, medical expenses, tax credits, unreimbursed employee expense amounts, and many more.
There are many other things to talk about, we can provide you tax tips, we can provide tax planning, the short of the long is, that we are tax professionals, we are the experts in preparation and filing of personal income tax services.
Let’s meet together and explore what is best for you.
“When we came to AAG with the taxes for our business - they were a mess! Not only were we missing information but we weren’t writing enough off. Sonia was able to work with us and get our books back on track.”