Unfiled Taxes & Audit Preparation
Unfilled taxes create huge problems for taxpayers. Every year you have to file your taxes. It’s pretty straightforward. If you don’t file them on time you get slapped with interest and penalties, and while you’re building your business, working on your brand, and trying to save money to expand, you’re losing some. Now, the government doesn’t care if you were short on money and didn’t pay your taxes, or you forgot to file your taxes, or that life came in the way, and you had more important things to take care of, but we care. There’s a way we can help you out.
Before we go on we just want to make it clear that it’s always in your best interest to file your taxes on time. If you file your taxes on time you pay only the amount you owed. Once you miss that, then you fall into interest and penalties.
“When we came to AAG with the taxes for our business - they were a mess! Not only were we missing information but we weren’t writing enough off. Sonia was able to work with us and get our books back on track.”